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Formation - Skills for influencing and persuading

Skills Campus

Tranning & certification center
  • IE-33
  • 2 jours
  • 790 vues


This very practical training course will enable you to master the necessary skills for persuading and influencing the behaviour of others and have a far better impact in your dealings with them.

À qui s'adresse cette formation ?

Pour qui ?

All executives working in either a hierarchical or project team.


Les objectifs de la formation

Programme de la formation

  • Introduction
    • Defining the process of influencing others Engendering persuasive communication One-to-one interaction processes Exercise self-assessment test and personalized analysis
  • How to convince your audience
    • Understanding other people's defense mechanisms and sensitivity to stress : Identifyingobstacles to communication, Establishing mutualagreement Working on stress reactions according to different personality types : Addressing others' systems of self-protection, Encouraging others to be more positive Dealing with the others' needs and expectations : Ensuring your communication is clear and concise , Gaining cooperation in sensitive situations Exercise video role-play : delivering difficult messages.
    • Group debriefing session.
  • How to acquire effective techniques to influence others
    • Basing your presentations on facts : Giving clear and structured explanations, using logical demonstrations, suggesting a deduction process How to Include behavioral factors to be more convincing : Taking your counterpart's personality into account, Creating a positive impression, Enhancing questioning and listening skills Exercise video role-play : improving convincing skills.
    • Group debriefing session.
  • How to develop effective skills for convincing others
    • Asking the right questions Listening and giving efficient answers Anticipating questions and objections Reaching an agreement Exercise video role-play : developing persuasion techniques.
    • Group debriefing session.
  • 790
  • 14 h

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