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Formation - How to improve your purchasing negotiations

Skills Campus

Tranning & certification center
  • IE-37
  • 2 jours
  • 736 vues


With this training course, you will enhance your purchasing negotiation skills through a specific method to prepare, exchange on best practices and work on negotiation behaviours.

À qui s'adresse cette formation ?

Pour qui ?

Buyers, purchasing managers, anyone who needs to conduct purchasing negotiations


Les objectifs de la formation

Programme de la formation

  • Fundamentals on purchasing negotiation
    • Presentation of the negotiations steps Stakes and targets The different actors and their relationships The main families of strategies Exercise Each participant gives a briefing about a real negotiating situation.
    • The other participants and the trainer help preparing the session.
  • Identify your personal communication profile for better negotiations
    • The different types of negotiators, Identify your own style Identify your personal communication profile: DISC assessment, VAK model Adapt your communication to the suppliers' profiles Develop assertive behaviour Exercise Behavioral pattern to discover personal communication profile
  • 736
  • 14 h

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