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Formation - Professional Negotiation skills

Skills Campus

Tranning & certification center
  • IE-34
  • 2 jours
  • 831 vues


This stimulating training course has been designed to help you better understand the negotiation process, in order to retain and enjoy highly profitable customer relationships. You will learn how to prepare and plan for all types of negotiations, recognise hidden agendas and avoid the tricks and traps set by professional buyers, as well as explore the dynamics of multiparty negotiations and best practices.

À qui s'adresse cette formation ?

Pour qui ?


Les objectifs de la formation

Programme de la formation

  • The sales negotiation process
    • Understanding different negotiation styles.
    • Evaluating the risks of sales negotiations.
    • Key principles of successful negotiations.
    • Building long-term relationships.
  • Negotiation Strategies
    • Preparing and structuring every negotiation.
    • Identifying and leveraging interests of all parties in complex situations.
    • Dealing successfully with tough negotiators.
    • Establishing short and long-term Goals.
    • Building Trust & Rapport.
    • Positive Mental Attitude.
    • Affirmations & Visualizations.
    • Maximising the value proposition.
  • Buyers' Motivational Value Systems
    • Understanding professional buyers' hidden agendas.
    • Top 10 tricks used by buyers.
    • Avoiding all tactics.
    • Countering negotiation techniques.
    • Dealing with conflict expertly.
  • Effective Listening
    • Active Listening.
    • Asserting yourself in emotionally-tense situations.
    • Developing interpersonal relationships.
    • Identifying and understanding your negotiator's needs.
    • Enhancing your flexibility.
  • Questioning Techniques
    • Uncovering Needs.
    • Real versus subconscious.
    • Advanced Questioning Techniques.
    • Questions types: Closed, Open, Paraphrasing.
  • Selling Benefits & Value
    • Features or Benefits.
    • Seven key customer Needs: Security, Convenience, Peace of Mind, Economy, Save Time, Reliability, Save Money.
    • Customers buy benefits.
    • Selling what people really want to buy.
    • Learning to Build Value into your Offering.
    • Hands-on work What Value or Worth Does Your Product Have ?
  • Overcoming Objections
    • The Four "P's": Price, Product, Personal and Postponement.
    • Tackling Objections, Issues & Concerns positively.
    • Objections means Opportunity.
  • Closing
    • Removing the Fear of Failure.
    • Recognising Buying Signals.
    • Finessing the decision-making process.
    • Your role as Salesperson.
    • Seven proven Closing Techniques.
    • Negotiating the contractual terms and conditions.
    • Creating and nurturing long-term relationships.
  • 831
  • 14 h

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